Mighty Gripper V3 Black additive (Most Sharp Handling)

Mighty Gripper
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23,90 €
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New V3 Black tire additive is moved to a higher level and comes out from the most popular Mighty Gripper's V3 Yellow.

Black is quickest handling and time up so easily at stock class. And very high flowing speed.

Tested on multiple surfaces with average difference per 13s lap was 0.4s faster for V3 Black in comparison with V3 Yellow.


Mighty Gripper Additives Comparison Chart:
ColorPropertiesGrip PowerSustainability
(of each apply)
FlowDust ResistanceApplication Time
(before run)


For High Grip Track:
It has most flowing cornering speed in the very high grip condition.
WeakestStandardHighestLow3 - 10 minAll Rubber tires
All Foam tires


For Tire Preparation:
This has Strongest grip in all Mighty Gripper's line-up.
StrongestShortLowLow10 sec to 1 minAll Rubber tires
All Foam tires


For Oily Track Surface:
This made of oily track and low traction track. Effective for Tamiya and Ride tires.
Medium StrongLongStandardStandard1 - 5 minAll Rubber tires
All Foam tires
Tamiya tires
Ride tires


Most Sharp Handling:
Stock class special. Based on Yellow. Able to add grip for sideways more. Sharpest.
StrongLongHighHigh3 - 5 minAll Rubber tires
All Foam tires


Balance Grip and Flow:
Good to use for high power class. Used of new materials. This has flow and stability together.
StrongLongestHighHigh3 - 10 minAll Rubber tires
All Foam tires


Balance grip and flow:
Good to use for High Power Class. Used of new materials, This had flow and stability together.
Strongest at out door trackLongestStandardHighest1 - 3 minStrongest grip at duty condition. Longest effect at all around.
Cook by tire warmer make additional grip.
