Sweep QTS Pre-Glued Touring Car Tires for Carpet (32deg, XP-LS Inserts, 4pcs)

Sweep Racing
Kód produktu:
Vaše cena:
29,90 €
skladem 3 ks, Odesíláme 29. 7.
Bude doručeno:
Česká republika30. 7.

Sweep Racing QTS Carpet Rubber Pre-Mounted Touring Car Tires are a great choice for club races and tracks that are looking for a seasonal spec tire. These tires provide the long lasting, consistent traction needed for carpet racing. Tires have been pre-mounted on EXP-WAW wheels with EXP-LS inserts. Package includes 4 tires.



·         28R also known as True Green

·         32R also known as True Blue

·         Great Carpet tires for small club races to international event

·         Race proven consistent traction, batch to batch

·         Pre glued on virtually unbreakable DuPont Nylon EXP wheels

·         Long lasting consistent traction on any Carpet surface

·         Sweep tires and wheels are known for near perfect balance, spinning true, even wear, and maximum traction
