Nanoprotech Electric (150ml)

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Votre prix:
16,80 €
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Nanoprotech Electronics Professional protects electronics from high humidity and water - up to 1 year. The solution is colorless, dries immediately after application and does not stick to dust. By applying a medium with nanoparticles electronics you will preserve it, extend its life and reduce your costs for repairs and the purchase of a new device. While Nanoprotech Electric is recommended for the treatment of high-voltage electrical equipment, Nanoprotech Electronics Professional, on the other hand, is ideal for low-voltage electronics.

Apply the solution to the internal components of devices with a continuous layer from a distance of 15 to 20 cm, or directly to the specified location. After application, wait 15 minutes, then you can adjust the excess solution. For full protection activation - we recommend waiting 24 hours. You can then use the currently used device normally.
